L'arrivo di Cerci a Milanello | AC Milan Official
L'ex centrocampista dei Colchoneros, dopo aver effettuato le visite mediche alla Clinica Madonnina, si è recato a Milanello per i test atletici e per assaporare la sua nuova 'casa'. After undergoing his medical visit at the "Madonnina" clinic, the former Atletico Madrid midfielder made his way to the Milanello Training Centre for fitness tests and to acquaint himself with his new ‘home’.This is the official Youtube channel dedicated to A.C. Milan with live streaming, videochat, interviews, match highlights, exclusive videoclips and much more.Website: http://www.acmilan.com/Season Tickets: http://www.acmilan.com/abbonamenti/Store: http://store.acmilan.com/Official Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/acmilanWebtv: http://milantime.acmilan.com/Top Videos: http://goo.gl/AITdcR