#WelcomeCerci | AC Milan Official
Il nuovo acquisto è Alessio Cerci, fortemente voluto da Mister Inzaghi. Scopri i suoi primi giorni in casa rossonera dal suo arrivo a Milano, fino alla conferenza stampa di presentazione!The latest arrival Alessio Cerci, a player highly sought after by coach Filippo Inzaghi, has been settling in to life with the rossoneri jersey. Read about his adventure so far and his first press conference!Music: Magic — Let Your Hair DownThis is the official Youtube channel dedicated to A.C. Milan with live streaming, videochat, interviews, match highlights, exclusive videoclips and much more.Website: http://www.acmilan.com/Season Tickets: http://www.acmilan.com/abbonamenti/Store: http://store.acmilan.com/Official Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/acmilanWebtv: http://milantime.acmilan.com/Top Videos: http://goo.gl/AITdcR